Monday, August 19, 2013

This corn is heaven

There is something about shucking corn. When we were little, Mama would sit us on the back porch with a pile of ears and we would shuck to our hearts content. Somewhere in the space of pulling off leaves and silk I learned to enjoy little things and sort out my thoughts. 
Today as I sit at the kitchen table and smell the earthy scent the corn brings from home I think, "I should do this more often." Addressing my need to both sit and think, and shuck corn on a regular basis. 

I hope that I am the kind of person to see God in moments like these. Do you look for him on places such as corn on the cob?

"Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees takes of his shoes,
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries."
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Cooking side note: sear the boiled corn in a hot skillet or the grill. Mix 4 oz of cream cheese, 2 tbs of butter, chili powder and lots of salt and lime juice. Spread it on the grilled corn while its hot. So so lovely! 
Also, eating corn with abandon is a requirement. The butter and juice should in fact run down to your elbows. 

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