Wednesday, March 6, 2013

{being} Brave.

"But being brave also means waking up to your today responsibilities (no matter what they are) and then moving into them as the person you most fully are – with all of your unique desire, personality, and creativity.
Sometimes today will mean doing something risky or new.
Most times it just means doing the same thing I did yesterday.
Either way, the point is my life with Christ and his life in me."
- Emily P. Freeman

.... doing the same thing I did yesterday.
It makes me want to be Job, and put my hand over my mouth. What am I saying? Why am I complaining?
But I am.
I'm complaining allot.
Some days mundane doesn't really seem so to me. I'm naturally aware of it's beauty. But I found myself staring out the window at the gigantic, wet snowflakes pouring down the other day, and for maybe the first time ever, I thought, "go away."
I shocked myself in even thinking that, so I followed it up with, "what's wrong with you?!"
Nothing is wrong with me.... my non-snowflake-loving-self is always present, I just don't normally choose her. Lately I have found myself having to be brave when I wake up in the morning. I open my eyes and have that moment where I let all the breath out of me and think "ok, I can do this, again." And putting my feet on the floor seems like a defining moment. It's not that everything in my life is really that difficult right now, but it certainly is not comfortable.
My point in saying all this is 1). Honesty 2). Desire for those who read this to feel the ground beneath all of us become level. and 3). Because saying it out loud makes me feel like I can step over it.
I can be brave all day long.
I can crash through the day like a bull in a china shop, breaking every dish along the way.
I can fake it, and then cry as soon as I'm alone.
I can let everyone around me have it.
But no matter what I do with myself each day, I STILL remain who I have always been. Rachael. The one who really does love snowflakes.
I can enter into normal, quiet, hard, not-magical things as the person God created me to be, and by my presence there I can transform dust to light.
I know this in the back of my mind, but I have to choose it as well.
Will you choose it with me?
*picture cred to Donna Carr Photography :)

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! How often do we complain and not take the moment to think of Job and all that he went through?

    You're a wonderful writer, don't stop. May He give you much grace.
