Friday, March 1, 2013

Giving Care

"Care giving is the role of creating and sustaining the bonds of affection."
 -Andi Ashworth

I won't be cooking much this weekend. I mean, I will. But not for you all. I am in the throws of making people meals in exchange for donations towards my summer.
So due to that I am posting a pretty picture of the coffee that is going to get me through the weekend of running around covered in flour. 
Also, the quote above is not only deep and lovely, but more true than we stop to think about. Why does our society think that being a caregiver isn't a job? or a real one at least. Why do we act like it doesn't shape our children and loved ones in life altering ways, because it does. When I cook for someone it is my way of creatively seeing a need in someone, and filling it. Their emotional state becomes my canvas for cultivating a  whole, and beautiful picture. Care givers (whether that's cooking a meal, or reading a book, or setting the table) are creating bonds in community around them, and binding up broken places. It's SO important! 
When you make coffee for someone in your family this morning or the next, give it your all. Love them in pouring it. You are feeding their soul in a small, but heavenly way. And they probably just needed it. 

1 comment:

  1. So insightful and well said. Love your blog! I will be thinking of you laboring away this weekend. Thanks.
